Creating 3D of Mount Model

creating 3d of mount model

Creating 3D of Mount Model is easy. Topography is the level of the earth’s surface. The way to make it easier to see and understand it we should be up in the mountains. – The Earth’s surface has features with different elevations, such as mountains, valleys, and lakes, called topography. Three-dimensional (3-D) models, topographic maps, and profile diagrams can be used to show the elevation of surface features.

In the previous experiment we made a map as a guide to explore the earth and an experiment to determine the size and shape of the earth using geometric methods. This nature school we will conduct an experiment related to the topography of the earth;s surface.

In this project, you will show how topographic maps use contour lines to indicate the elevation of a land area. You will determine the effect that changes in elevation have on the distance between the map’s contour lines. You will use marks called hachures to indicate depressions and craters on your map. You will also measure the elevation of a gently sloping hill, draw a profile map of the hill, and make a 3-D model of the profile of the hill.

Learning Objective

To produce a 3-D model of a mountain. Materials apple-size ball of clay sheet of typing paper metric ruler about 30 toothpicks pen

Procedure to creat 3D

1. Lay aside a grape-size piece of clay. Use the remaining clay to mold a mountain with an uneven landscape. Make depressions in the side and/or a crater (a hollowed-out area at the top of a volcano) in the top.

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2. Set the clay mountain in the center of the paper.

3. Insert the zero end of the metric ruler into the grape-size piece of clay, and stand the ruler vertically next to the clay mountain.

4. On one side of the clay mountain, use a toothpick to draw a straight vertical line from the top of the mountain to its base.

5. Align the vertical line drawn on the clay with the edge of the ruler, then mark heights 1 cm apart on the clay mountain: Holding the toothpick horizontally across the 1-cm mark on the ruler, insert the end of the toothpick into the line on the clay. Repeat this procedure at each centimeter mark until you reach the top of the mountain (see Figure).

figure of 3d mount model

6. Turn the mountain one quarter turn and repeat steps 4 and 5. Repeat the procedure two more times so that heights are marked on four sides of the mountain.

Results of 3D

the result of the nature school project is success. We have made a mountain model with different indicated heights.


In this experiment, you made a 3-D model of a mountain. The toothpicks are placed at different heights to indicate elevation (height above sea level).


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